

About ludico

ludico construction company is a construction company which  contracts projects like building home houses and business houses.

it has its director as lukomwa dickson and he is a professional engineer who attained his desgree in construction in 1998 and with profession he decided to start a construction group which he named lodico.

CEO ludico construction company

CEO ludico construction company

Lukomwa Dickson 

Lukomwa Dickson is the top director of ludico who got an idea of starting a construction company when he was on his construction course at kisumu technical institute and he attained a diploma in civil engineering and then started in 2000. Up to now he is still the owner of it

Nabuuma Norah

She is a share holder who holds 30% in ludico construction company and she joined us in 2010 up to now

Ssebagala Simon 

He is the senior engineer of ludico and he has a degree in architectural engineering 

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